we hope you find your website interesting and useful. Take a few minuets to leaf through it and all the information includ
The April 19 meeting was called to order and the following points were noted
The Board has decided that in view of past problems, a more in depth security check of all potential purchasers, and renters is required, and the security fee has been raised from $35 to $100 to cover the cost of this. This of course is to be paid for by the potential purchaser / owner.
Further, it is required that along with the application and any other pertinent information that may be required, a copy of the contract for sale, and lease must accompany the application.
The Sale and Lease packets will be available on One-Source or you may contact the office for a copy.
Our new rules state 1 person can only own 2 units, 1 to live in, and 1 to rent, well done all who voted for this rule.
Dale is still in contact with the County, as to what if any thing, they will contribute towards the paving work being done.
New plastic fencing has been installed along the north side of Bld 10, up to the kayak racks,
The following has been approved
The flooring of the 3 toilets and 2 laundry rooms are to be resurfaced making for easier and better cleaning.
Bid 10 roof Tom Whites Company has contracted for the annual sum of $1,700 to annually check and patch Bld 10 roof, as necessary, to include all material.
Judgment has been awarded against Mark Konnick with respect to Bld 10 roof and we await to see what if anything we get back from this?
We are looking into the replacement of some of our cameras to high Definition; the image from our existing cameras is quite appalling and often unreadable.
Due to major paving works in and around Bld 5, the walk way replacement of Bld 5 may, postponed until 2020, a final decision on this has not made. $200 dollars was approved for equipment for a pickle board league, using the existing tennis courts with temporary court marking tape that will not cause damage to the tennis court. MICHAEL W KWIETNIAK, ( Alias Mustache MIKE ) will be setting things up. GO PICKLE BOARD.
It was proposed and seconded that the replacement of faulty roof AC units only be carried out MON to FRI between 7 AM and 4 PM, and the lifting/ removal of the equipment will have to be by means of a crane. This, is to try and ensure that our building roofs, are not unnecessarily damaged, also a new roof door is to be fitted complete with access code lock for security.
Add these permanently to the bottom of the page, a new page for each month keeping the old pages for 12 months starting with MAY 2020 and going forward
Please, don't just talk about, it let the office know, and perhaps that way something might be done about it.
Hey For a small investment, why not purchase a key safe, and screw it to the door frame behind the screen door and never be locked out again